Don’t Even Try And Deny It
Yo everyone. Last night we took our first steps into Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened. Within an hour or two we had put our boot soles up some mud holes, but you can read about that in a near-future front page update. This update is to put a lid on our epic journey through Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion. Although, before the pleasure comes the business: Recruitment!
At this time we’re currently looking for a few good members to aide us in our ongoing struggle against the evil forces of Norrath. The classes desired are listed below:
ShamanBefore applying, see our requirements in the Application section of our forums. If you meet those requirements send Powdwar or Quarken a tell in-game.
Back to the fun stuff. Much to everyone’s surprise, mine included, we have put together a quick movie of our fun times in Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion. Like always, the soundtrack is driven by that cherub of cheer, Andrew W.K. Please enjoy!
Triality vs. Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion
24 MB .wmv format
It’s Time To Party by Andrew W.K.
Originally posted by qxx • Feb 19, 2008 18:16
You Can’t Stop What You Can’t End
Yo everyone. We’re going to kick it old school right now and start this incomprehensibly sextastic update off with recruitment information. Now before you post an application you’ll want to check this list, homeboy:
- Read our requirements here.
- Contact Dalnoth, Powdwar or Quarken in-game.
- Once we’ve done a thorough cavity search, we’ll let you board the plane for your first class trip to paradise.
At this time we’re looking for the following classes:
Before we continue, I have to warn you. We spent all of last night at a yoga class in the Plane of Tranquility in order to be as limber and loose as humanly possible. How come? Because of the gratuitous amount of self-fellatio you’re about to witness. That’s why. Humility is for women, check it at the door, son.
This model is cool enough to get two pictures.
As a loyal reader of TrialityGuild.com, I’m sure you’ll recall that our first crushing victory inside of Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion came at the start of the new year on Jan 1, 2008. And 17 long ass days later, I’m here to tell you that we have conquered and completed the Mansion in its entirety by putting the boots to Meldrath the Malignant himself. Only 17 days – that is really impressive, if I don’t say so myself. Especially when you consider the will-sapping amount of bugs we had to wallow through in order to get here. No exaggeration. Entire nights flushed directly down the shitter over and over again. But we don’t stop. We kept ourselves moving forward as much as we could and it really paid off. So I’m going to congratulate ourselves. Good job…us…
Now, about that humility. On the Breakneck front page update, I was shitting all types of furious rage because that event sucks. Remarkably, the rest of the events in this zone are great when they aren’t wildly bugging out (e.g., Bergurgle Tinkertwats). The Meldrath the Malignant fight was especially fun, for reals. That’s all. I just wanted to take a second away from throwing roses at ourselves and patting our collective back to show some love to this zone and the raid events within it. Odd, I know.
So the Mansion is destroyed. We now take our huge e-balls to Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened. We anxiously look forward to raiding there soon. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day everyone!
Originally posted by qxx • Jan 19, 2008 16:23
Eat Steel
Swallow Up The Air And Earth
Yo everyone. Look at this: another front page update just 4 days later. That’s some sort of innernets anomaly. But don’t be scurred – it won’t happen again. Unless, of course, we take this pace of domination, mutilation and masturbation straight to the faces of these next events. In which case, there shall be more front page updates. Oh yes, more! For we have already felled two more foes within Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion.
The Battle Room event and its Tactical Prototype XXVII was where and who we went to see after that shitass Breakneck, Master at Arms event was down and done shit-stinking up the zone. God damn that event sucks. But, I gotta say, collectively, we really enjoyed the Battle Room event. It’s new, challenging and there is nothing cooler than giant robots. It is the unicorns & candy we were hoping for. Buuuut we got one loot. Fucking gnarly!
Risk vs. Reward unavailable for comment.
After that little breath-of-fresh-air of an event, which it really was, we took our huge throbbing testicles over to Seneschal Bargangle Tinkerson. Pause. Read the name again. Read it. Respect it. Love it. Proceed. Ballgargle Tinkletank has arguably the most buggy event we’ve come across in here yet. This is event is so bu-
With Delbert on our side, we blasted through the bugs and smashed Burglarize Tinklestank just to collect, yet again, one loot.
Zey do notzing. So that be all fer now, me mateys. I’m sure we’ll put the screw to some more events shortly.
Until then…
Originally posted by qxx • Jan 06, 2008 00:07
Mutilate The Worms
Yo everyone. The first front page update of a new year! And, really, the first content related update since June of 2007. So what have we been doing for the past half a year? We’ve been beefing up on our prayers and vitamins for the new expansion, and it hath arrived. For we have finally tasted the fruits of Secrets of Faydwer and they taste like shit. Why oh why? Well, half the content was broken or malfunctioning when we first went at it. I’ll pause while you slam the Life Alert® emergency response necklace draped around your neck from that heart attack you just had. Ok, good? So, we slopped our way through that shit pile and now we’ve gotten into Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion. Which, sadly everything seems to be working as intended. Why sadly? Because it’s trashola so far! In all fairness, we’ve only fully dissected one event. So the rest of the events may very well be all unicorns and candy. Until then though…
Breakneck, Master at Arms. He’s the guy we killed. There are a few ways I can describe the event to you. I could just link you back to some Demi-Plane of Blood updates, and you could pretend that reading material is about this event – verbatim. I could take a poop on a pile of poop in a poop factory as some sort of analogous visual aide. Or, I could just showcase the very process that the developers used to create this event. Let’s go with the latter.
Combine the following:
- Hatchet the Torturer
- Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw
- Richard Simmons
- Down’s Syndrome
Voilà! Instant content. Al Gore would be so impressed at the progress the green movement is making in MMOs with this kind of recycling. Steamsuits will be running on 100% vegetable oil by spring time! All kidding aside – it’s really that bad. This is no exaggeration, friends. This event is so gay that they actually made a movie about it. It’s this summer’s feel-good family blockbuster smash hit.
And then to add insult to inj; 1 loot. We got one shitty loot. I know this expansion is supposed to last a year+ but honestly, 1 loot? That’s trash. Trashola. Trasholio! I’d rather be geared to the gills, sitting on my ass in the Guild Lobby, rocking vigorously like an autist for 3 months while waiting for the next expansion to drop than spend an entire year farming this one because the drop rate is slower than the autist I pictured when writing that last sentence (he was very autizzy). Oh, the loot:
So, one event in the books. More to come soon. Since, unlike other guilds we don’t get holidays off. So while they’re off lighting their menorahs and stealing Kwanzaa cakes, we’ll be stuffing stockings in the Mansion.
Come on in, the water’s warm.
Originally posted by qxx • Jan 02, 2008 18:24
Face Fisted
Yo everyone. I just typed a bunch of shit. A bunch of shit about events sucking and all that. I’m sick as a dog and I just took enough NyQuil™ to tranquilize an horny orca. So I’ll save the write-up for when we actually beat these piss poor events. What’s got me and 60 other people fired up and looking for
bloodanswers right now? These servers are still going down like a Viet prostitute being handed a jar full of pennies. Another 3.5 hours completely wasted. That’s approximately 213.5 man hours. So, like clockwork (no pun there) the zone crashes at the peak of our raiding experience tonight. Just like Solteris always did. Naturally, I go to log back in and join in on the collective plight of my guildmates and the login servers are down!No, not really. So, I decide to click the Scheduled Downtime link on the useless prompt (shown above) that you get when the login screen is locked in its chastity belt, just to make sure I wasn’t in the middle of some much needed scheduled maintenance, and the first thing I see on the page that loads is…
Buy some Legends of Norrath packs and get the fuck out of here, kid. Sadly, no. I’m not. Douche bags.
Originally posted by qxx • Dec 30, 2007 22:06
The Sexiest Sexists
Yo everyone. While we take this expansion off-season to prep ourselves for the fun, excitement, cash & prizes that surely awaits us in Secrets of Faydwer, we still manage to find ways to prove that Triality has the biggest balls in the playground. Just when you thought we were the sexiest, hardest, most cunning adventurers you’d ever lay your worthless eyes on, we go and reinforce our position as The Don Megas of EverQuest by slaying the infamous Lord Nagafen. Lord Nagafen? You read that right but let me sexplain.
We’re still living in endless frustration. Sony can’t seem to keep an instance of Solteris from crashing long enough for us to complete a single fucking raid. Despite this, we still manage to gather up a full raid of stone cold killers every night. So we have to find something to do. And when we find ourselves in that position, there’s always Shrouds.
Originally posted by qxx • Aug 21, 2007 12:50
We Are 138
Yo everyone. Just a brief update on our comings and goings right now. Front page updates will be sparse until we get a new expansion to pounce all over. On the plus side, we’ve gotten a John Deere™ sponsorship due to the amount of farming we’ve been doing in Solteris, the Throne of Ro.
But for right now, I present to you a gift,these two droidsa new Triality movie has been constructed showcasing our aforementioned activities in Solteris, the Throne of Ro.
The movie’s soundtrack is helped along by two bands this time: The original Scumdogs of the Universe GWAR & the merry-time mastermind Andrew WK. We hope you enjoy it.Triality vs. Solteris, the Throne of Ro
60 MB .wmv format
Hell Intro by GWAR
Take It Off by Andrew WK
A lot of people ask me all kinds of questions about what goes into these movies we put up on our site. So, I figured I’d share some infoz about the process. After all, sharing is caring.
I use Fraps to record everything. To get the variety of footage I need, recording usually starts immediately upon entering the zone for the first time and goes on every night until the video is rendered and uploaded. The more clips/source material I record and have to work with, then the less ‘repetitive’ the movie will feel, which is difficult when you’re limited to a single zone as the movie’s subject. That’s why as much variety in the recorded clips is critical. As an example, pre-processed/sorted/cropped source material (just the raw clips I recorded) for the Solteris movie resulted in nearly 1,000 video clips, totaling nearly 30GB of data:
Before A lot of those clips are really cool moments that I capture but the majority are just junk; ranging from people just standing around to me waiting for an NPCs to run through an animation and they aren’t behaving to me around to me just accidentally hitting the record button and so on…The idea is to capture something cool and interesting sort of by chance. If you try and make you’re source material ‘cool’ it’ll come out looking staged and boring. I think so anyway. The I open each clip in VirtualDub and comb through them one by one, frame by frame (no exaggeration) in order to condense it down to just the clips I feel will work best in the movie. That whittles the first batch of clips down by about half, but the storage size increases dramatically because of the increased quality and the compression change of the converted clips. Compare this image to the image shown above:
After After exporting each clip from VirtualDub and saving them in .avi format, I bring them into Adobe Premiere. Within Premiere, I break them all down into proper categories to make it easier for me to know what I’m grabbing and it really makes it a whole lot easier to mix up the video. Also, this really makes it easier to make sure every landscape, event, NPC, boss, etc. makes it into the movie. Again – variety is crucial! The source material ends up categorized and looking something like this:
Categories within Adobe Premiere After that, I send it out to my team of expert Korean sweatshop animators to put together into the final product. Did I say sweatshops? I meant happyshops. At the happyshops, I’ve heard it’s just a matter of assembling the clips in Premiere over the music in a way that mixes up the visual content and hits those musical cues. Export the final product to a .wmv or whatever format makes you happy and share it with the rest of the world, hoping they like it more than you do because I promise you’ll be sick of your own creation at this point!
Originally posted by qxx • Jul 18, 2007 00:14
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot…
Yo everyone. If my clock is right, it’s update:30 on this Hangover Sunday. So, down some Alka-Seltzer™ and keep your Bud mud ass off the toilet for 10 seconds: it’s time for a front page update.
Last time you came by here, we were taking turns riding Commodus, Solar Construct like a mechanical bull through Solteris, the Throne of Ro. We had just finished Event 6, The Final Portal, and we were salivating for the chance at an omnipotent threesome with Two Gods: Mayong Mistmoore and Solusek Ro. We made those dreams a reality and, post-coitus, we did what any gentleman would do: bundled them up, threw them in the trunk and found a nice comfortable ravine for them to go to sleepy-time in.
Get in the fuckin‘ trunk.
A Transformed Ring of Power
Stone of Dark Tidings
Dark Runed Belt
Cloak of Solteris
Blade of Pure Light
I feel like a broken record sometimes. It’s pretty exhausting to come here after we we beat each event, usually before anyone else, and bitch. Bitch because the events aren’t working, bitch because loot sucks or bitch because these events haven’t been tested or tuned. Like in the case of Two Gods, the shit wasn’t beatable by any ways possible for a while. I could come here, write some hi-lar-ious commentary about how Two Gods was a gayer experience than Liberace teabagging a ball-gagged unicorn that’s shitting rainbow sherbet into an even gayer unicorns mouth, but why bother? It’s not funny anymore. I mean it is if you really picture that unicorn thing but ya, it’s tiresome by now. Show some effort into getting this shit worked out and working proper before you have throngs of people wasting weeks upon weeks, losing to your expansions for no actual reason. Also, give Nodyin a raise and some hookers. He’s the sole reason we aren’t at your gates with pitchforks and torches firebombing your faces.
I want to congratulate this here group of marauders that we call Triality on another remarkable victory. With this one now in the books, we become the 1st guild in all of EverQuest to conquer The Buried Sea. What’s that now? Two 1st place finishes in a row? We’re putting the nasty in dynasty. I hope the other guilds don’t get too upset being below us. At least you get to look up Kela’s miniskirt but be warned: her big, swinging e-penis is twice the size of yours.
Well that will do it for this edition. Between now and the imminent slaughter of the next expansion, you can check back here for our Solteris raid video which is in the works. Until then, don’t let your meat loaf, kid.
Originally posted by qxx • Jun 10, 2007 15:56
The Monarchs of Murder