5 Years Long. 5 Years Strong.
Yo everyone! It is time for celebration, inebriation and admiration of the creation of this here congregation that we call Triality. Just this past month we celebrated our 5th year anniversary as a guild, and in true Triality fashion, here is the late front page update telling you all about it.
Five years is a long time to do anything. I haven’t done anything for that long consecutively except get balder and fatter. But anyone, from any guild that plays hardcore EverQuest, knows how
difficultnearly impossible it is to keep things together for any amount of years – especially five of them. Five years is a long time for a guild to stay rolling and keep our head above water. Lucky for us, we don’t just keep our head above the water – we dive into the shallow end and piss in the kiddie pool. And for some reason, that makes us a better, stronger, guild year after year. Nobody knows why; don’t ask. So this front page update is just a nod to the times we’ve had and the times we’re gonna have. So sit back and put on your readers as we reminisce; putting the mental in sentimental. 0.0WIDT?
• The History of Triality •
Holy shit, that was a lot of things we did. And you know, looking back on all those good times, I was reminded of the members, or almost members in some cases, that we came across. You know, the members who’s names we’ll never forget – and not for the good reasons. Now, we’ve seen a shitload of people come in and out of our doors over the years and Dalnoth and I don’t have the greatest memory however…
After much research and intense analysis, we complied a list of the worst most trashy players to ever ride beside us. The list was lengthy at first, but we whittled it down to the Top 10 most terrible-wrapped-in-awful candidates. And, I don’t know about you, but I can’t celebrate properly unless I’m half-cocked and ripping into someone to make myself feel better. Don’t be confused, you aren’t about to read the starting lineup in this year’s Special Olympics wiffle ball team; this is Triality’s Hall of Shame.
10. Neomatrixx
Neo gets the benefit of number 10 because he lasted the longest out of this pile of failure. Neo’s offense: He never met a pixel pussy he couldn’t digitally diddle. I would say I never saw Neo grouping with men, but I’m pretty sure 90% of his cyber-queens were packing in the pants behind the screens. On top of that, Neo had a nice habit of conning huge sums of platinum from unsuspecting ‘friends’ to fuel the IGE.com industrial complex. These EverQuest subscriptions ain’t gonna buy themselves, ya know.9. Healszorz
This guy had the healing capabilities of an AIDS Super Soaker™ and the brains of a child trapped under the ice in December who gets found in June. He single-handedly paved the way for ‘judge applicants by the stupidity of their name’. So he comes in at number 9 because that was one good thing he didz0rz.8. Broagg
You may remember Broagg or should I say broagg.com/live-webcam-boi.htm When Broagg wasn’t snapping into a riposte discipline at the worst possible times he was offering to haul out his ‘1hb’ on his webcam for anything with a vagina. I’m pretty sure he retired and became lonelygirl15.7. Dorgamer
Dorgamer built his EverQuest portfolio with Triality and then decided to invest his profits in Momentum. I don’t know how well that worked out, but I did see him at the PoK bank filling out Chapter 11 forms and some repo-man was seizing his weapons and armor. He might have not made the list if it wasn’t for the fact that he made the decision to leave us in the middle of a Redfang fight. Stay classy, pal.6. Dezyn
Dezyn could have been an great member of the guild if she wasn’t always so busy flying around the world to exotic locations doing photo shoots. Because, you know, she was multi-million dollar supermodel. I think it was around her extended break in Sweden when she finally got the boot. The lying wouldn’t have been so bad is she didn’t send her picture to every single person in the guild trying to really sell the lie.5. Faidian
Someone get Faidian a cab to the library right now! We need backup! Faid’s ISP went out one night, and being such a dedicated and hardcore player that he was, he went all the way to the library to make a post explaining his internet troubles to us and how he was very sorry he couldn’t raid with us that evening. Unfortunately for Faidian, Nuntius PI was on the IP and noticed that Faidian’s house and library had the same IP address. Whoops. Instead of accepting the hilarious embarrassment, Faidian dug himself into a pit of lies of which he couldn’t climb out. The motherfucker could rock the ill Dewey Decimal System though. Word up.4. Bruizerr
In the 5 years we’ve been a guild, Bruizerr stands out as the worst applicant in the history of Triality. Classic Bruizerr moment: Strapping Hatchet the Torturer to his chest and carbombing not just the entire raid, but specifically the rez corner we had setup. Let’s not forget about the time Bruizerr single-handedly depopped The Performer by miskeying emotes. Denied.3. Cerco
When you can’t find help for your Epic 2.0 quest at 3AM when only 10 people are online; 6 of which are AFK and 4 of which are bots, do you:
a.) Wait until tomorrow
b.) Flip the fuck out and deguild
c.) Flip the fuck out and deguild, talk shit about your former guild, troll their forums talking shit, deny any of this ever happened and then months later, to this very day, spam every officer in your former guild apologizing and begging to return. C for the answer. A for persistence. F for life.2. Alwayys
postapplication?ENDMAC I’m not really sure about Alwayys. I think his massive system of third-party software became self-aware like Skynet and posted the application to the guild for him. Terminated.1. Volt
Volt had the benefit of being our only Enchanter for a short period of time. And within that short period, he became an ego torpedo and thought he was the cat’s meow. The self-proclaimed King of All Enchanters took his skill of being able to mez 67 mobs simultaneously elsewhere, along with the majority of our strategies. Unfortunately for Volt, our strategies only work for us and not hastily created, second-rate, Johnny-Come-Lately shitter guilds. He realized this though, and then tried to actively recruit our entire guild into his team of failure. Unlike most of the Horrors of EverQuest listed above, Volt still actively carries disdain for anything and everything Triality. And this, my friend, has you batting in the lead-off spot for this Top Ten Team of Failure.
Now, we don’t want to seem like a hateful and bitter group of people. So now that we’ve highlighted the worst people we’ve come across in five years, I think we should throw some props out to the good shit. We’ve had a ton of members over the years who have come and gone that were/are just amazing players and megawesome people. To list them all here would be like impossible. That being said, few people retire and are missed as much as this guy and few people made us collectively laugh and question our faith in humanity as much as Fishlip. And since he was always a staple in the quote section of these updates, we’re going to take a look at the best of the worst of Fish’s whacked out brain over the years.
Well that’s really it. Just a fun relaxing update for now. The new expansion, Secrets of Faydwer, drops soon so look back here for toetags and teabags on the corpses of everything it brings to our doorstep. So, to everyone in this guild past and present, I raise my 12 ounces of Pabst Blue Ribbon in the air and salute. Here’s to swimmin’ with bow-legged women.
Originally posted by qxx • Oct 29, 2007 14:17
The Sexiest Sexists
Yo everyone. While we take this expansion off-season to prep ourselves for the fun, excitement, cash & prizes that surely awaits us in Secrets of Faydwer, we still manage to find ways to prove that Triality has the biggest balls in the playground. Just when you thought we were the sexiest, hardest, most cunning adventurers you’d ever lay your worthless eyes on, we go and reinforce our position as The Don Megas of EverQuest by slaying the infamous Lord Nagafen. Lord Nagafen? You read that right but let me sexplain.
We’re still living in endless frustration. Sony can’t seem to keep an instance of Solteris from crashing long enough for us to complete a single fucking raid. Despite this, we still manage to gather up a full raid of stone cold killers every night. So we have to find something to do. And when we find ourselves in that position, there’s always Shrouds.
Originally posted by qxx • Aug 21, 2007 12:50
We Are 138
Yo everyone. Just a brief update on our comings and goings right now. Front page updates will be sparse until we get a new expansion to pounce all over. On the plus side, we’ve gotten a John Deere™ sponsorship due to the amount of farming we’ve been doing in Solteris, the Throne of Ro.
But for right now, I present to you a gift,these two droidsa new Triality movie has been constructed showcasing our aforementioned activities in Solteris, the Throne of Ro.
The movie’s soundtrack is helped along by two bands this time: The original Scumdogs of the Universe GWAR & the merry-time mastermind Andrew WK. We hope you enjoy it.Triality vs. Solteris, the Throne of Ro
60 MB .wmv format
Hell Intro by GWAR
Take It Off by Andrew WK
A lot of people ask me all kinds of questions about what goes into these movies we put up on our site. So, I figured I’d share some infoz about the process. After all, sharing is caring.
I use Fraps to record everything. To get the variety of footage I need, recording usually starts immediately upon entering the zone for the first time and goes on every night until the video is rendered and uploaded. The more clips/source material I record and have to work with, then the less ‘repetitive’ the movie will feel, which is difficult when you’re limited to a single zone as the movie’s subject. That’s why as much variety in the recorded clips is critical. As an example, pre-processed/sorted/cropped source material (just the raw clips I recorded) for the Solteris movie resulted in nearly 1,000 video clips, totaling nearly 30GB of data:
Before A lot of those clips are really cool moments that I capture but the majority are just junk; ranging from people just standing around to me waiting for an NPCs to run through an animation and they aren’t behaving to me around to me just accidentally hitting the record button and so on…The idea is to capture something cool and interesting sort of by chance. If you try and make you’re source material ‘cool’ it’ll come out looking staged and boring. I think so anyway. The I open each clip in VirtualDub and comb through them one by one, frame by frame (no exaggeration) in order to condense it down to just the clips I feel will work best in the movie. That whittles the first batch of clips down by about half, but the storage size increases dramatically because of the increased quality and the compression change of the converted clips. Compare this image to the image shown above:
After After exporting each clip from VirtualDub and saving them in .avi format, I bring them into Adobe Premiere. Within Premiere, I break them all down into proper categories to make it easier for me to know what I’m grabbing and it really makes it a whole lot easier to mix up the video. Also, this really makes it easier to make sure every landscape, event, NPC, boss, etc. makes it into the movie. Again – variety is crucial! The source material ends up categorized and looking something like this:
Categories within Adobe Premiere After that, I send it out to my team of expert Korean sweatshop animators to put together into the final product. Did I say sweatshops? I meant happyshops. At the happyshops, I’ve heard it’s just a matter of assembling the clips in Premiere over the music in a way that mixes up the visual content and hits those musical cues. Export the final product to a .wmv or whatever format makes you happy and share it with the rest of the world, hoping they like it more than you do because I promise you’ll be sick of your own creation at this point!
Originally posted by qxx • Jul 18, 2007 00:14
Bad Guys Wear Black
Yo everyone. We took some time away from finding new and inventive ways of beating daily-modified Solteris raids to put together another video. This is just a ‘lil 44 second video with a teaser of Solteris, the Throne of Ro but mainly a tribute to all the folks here in Triality that make things great.
Triality, Class of 2007
12 MB .wmv format
The Underground In America by Pantera
Cowboys From Hell by Pantera
Originally posted by qxx • Mar 19, 2007 23:01
Keep ’em Guessin’
Yo ladies and gents. I’d like to take this brief interlude from our regularly scheduled front page updating to show off Triality’s latest appearance in the movie world. During The Buried Sea beta-testing, Triality was blessed with the opportunity to participate in the filming of a raid video to showcase the end zone Solteris, the Throne of Ro.
The video can be found on the front page of http://eqplayers.station.sony.com and downloaded in a better resolution here!
Triality would like to extend our deepest thanks to David “Nodyin” Ford for giving us this opportunity on top of coordinating everything and Ben Saret for doing such a great job at putting the video together. It was a pleasure and something very special to this guild. We hope to do it all over again. Thanks again guys!
Originally posted by Dalnoth • Mar 03, 2007 11:32
Scumdogs Of The Universe
Yo everyone. Since we won’t be having any front page updates for a while because we’ll be farming ourselves into a coma while we wait for the new expansion to drop, we wanted to make sure you had a little something to satisfy your hunger for all things Triality. So, here is our newest movie of Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale along with the previously released Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King movie. Hope you enjoy!
The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
–BEST OVERALL Winston Churchill quote
Originally posted by qxx • Dec 04, 2006 00:33
The Fabled Update
Yo everyone. I know what you’re thinking, “a website update without a 2 month lapse?!?” that’s right! EverQuest is morphing, Voltron-ing, if you will. It’s going to be an interesting few months from here on out with all the merging and purging. We’re going to have the opportunity to meet The Fabled Maelin Starpyre Server. That’ll be swell. I’m actually pretty excited about the merges, I wanna make some friends and gain party experience with them.
But forget that shit! Whats Triality been up to lately OH EM GEE!? We’ve been raping and rampaging as usual. And we’re currently recruiting some lucky Shamans to come and rape and rampage with us. We have a few requirements you should definitely read on our forums. Make sure you bust Orruar a tell in game before you apply. And If your application is going to look like an excerpt of a 16 year old girl’s GeoCities website, just don’t, please don’t.Now for the real issue…
(Note: If you are easily offended by massive amounts vile language & vicious visual insults, you really shouldn’t read any further!)
I’ve been pretty tame lately, all these updates, with little to no angst. It feels unnatural. And while gasoline prices climb to nose bleeding levels, my engine is fueled by 103 octane, unrefined, pure, unadulterated rage. So I decided to pull the Rage Mobile into Brenlo’s Pump and Pay for a quick fill up. I’m about to get 50 miles per gallon on this shit. I’d say “Sit back and enjoy the ride” but that’s predictable and corny. So sit up and travel my journey with distaste and anguish.
For any cave dwellers out there, this is in reference to some issues with the announcement made by SoE about the server merges. Though what you’re about to read isn’t a representation of Triality, it surely is a representation of more than just my feelings.
There’s a lot of inconsistency and basic bullshit in your [Brenlo] post today on the EQlive blog you keep. One particular quote really pissed me off."So now I will talk a little about legacy and heritage, which is the other argument that keeps popping up. The legacy and heritage of EQ are not on some hardware that happened to have a name to make it easier to choose when logging in. The servers could just as easily been numbered. They are just hardware." -GM Brenlo, March 2005
They certainly could have just been numbered, but they weren’t. Why? Because people wouldn’t feel any significance belonging (key word: belonging) to server #0012. But they do feel a better sense of community belonging to Solusek Ro, Veeshan or Vazaelle, for example. It’s like having pride in your city. Obviously you can’t keep the names of every server involved in each merge but you don’t need to be a fucking Nazi about the names, it’s insulting to all of us.
Regardless of people’s position on the name issue, it should have been our decision. We are the fucking community, not you. This effects us, not you. You really think the best option was to pick the peak prime time populations of the servers involved and grace the winner with it’s name? Seriously? You get fucking paid for those decisions? You aren’t afraid to shove a fucking poll in my face asking what fucking video card I use, you aren’t afraid to SPAM ONE OF MY ACCOUNTS EVERY FUCKING TIME I LOG IN TO BUY YOUR SUCK ASS DRAGONS OF NORRATH or your worthless advertising bullshit, magazine subscriptions every single time I logged in, but I can’t get a poll to seek my opinion on what I want my server to be named? It would be have been nice have just been given the option to throw my opinion in on how they are going to be named. I can’t count how many worthless polls I’ve answered in the past. Shove your excuses and logic up your fucking dick hole and piss them out on your pile of prime time population charts. I can’t believe you called our servers “just hardware” hah, ridiculous. You make bad decisions and you make great ones (I’m not just sucking your ass, you’ve done a lot of things I like) but I know, I know for a fact, that you’re aware the server names are more than a way to categorize hardware. Don’t insult us by belittling our feelings and basically tell us we’re delusional about our sense of community.
Which brings me to another point, read this closely. Stop passing the buck onto us for these merges. In your post you referred to the fact that we ‘petitioned, posted, emailed’ demanding these merges. That is definitely true. But you lay it out there as a way to say, “Hey, don’t act unhappy because you asked for it”. Well guess what? Not everybody did, now you’re hearing the other side of it. More importantly (you’re about to devour your own words) later, in the same god damn post, you said the merges were unavoidable and inevitable. So don’t act like you gave a shit or listened to our input because like you said, the shit was unavoidable. No matter how much we demanded it or not, it was going to happen anyway, because of your decision. Sometimes your decisions reflect our desires and sometimes they don’t. Nice try. Now we’re giving you our “valued input” heavily on your own forums and you keep shoving those copy/paste excuse up our asses. Don’t try to act like our input has anything to do with it, because when we actually have a chance to share our input (the name issue specifically) and you just close out our opinions and state your reasons. Sickens me. Prove me wrong.
There’s much, much better ways to name these servers, the best way is to make new names for each merge. How difficult is that? Want my a link to my PayPal? I’ll make you a list of 50 names you can choose from, all legit, in about 40 fucking seconds for 1/2000th of your yearly salary. When you have 1 server retain it’s name, the server(s) that lose their name not only feel a loss of identity and community, but they feel like invaders or outcasts on this new server. The people who didn’t lose a name have no change, except there’s all these new people cramping their shit. If you deny the fact that people feel server pride (because it’s just categorized hardware, right?) then why the fuck did you come up with the idea to add a suffix title representing their old server? That’s about as consistent as my shit after Taco Tuesday. Stop being lazy. Make a poll, make new names, do something to show us you give a shit. I heard you were considering a format like Maelin (Vazaelle)…that’s retarded, if that’s true stop it now. People need to be on the same playing field, they need to ‘start’ on even ground. They need to be a community, not a segregated population. No server should be keeping it’s original name, that much is clear, well, to all of us anyway.
For Vazaelle specifically, we’re pissed about losing our name to a fucking green server. A preferred, green server. You say they have higher prime time population and that’s why they are keeping the name. The difference, during prime time, I’m sure, is marginal at best. Did you consider that Vazaelle has a gigantic Euro/Asian/Aussie contingent that aren’t playing during your “prime time” hours? You need to make some changes there. It’s beyond ridiculous. Even people on Maelin are saying how ridiculous this is. This horrible decision hasn’t done anything except create animosity towards a server most of us don’t know shit about. Vazaelle is in a different situation than any of the other servers merging because we feel raped of our identity (like everyone else) but at least they get to lose their name to a dignified, tenured server. Not some green newbie playground of trial memberships and part-time World of Nocraft dropouts. Pack that with the rumors I’ve been hearing about the quality of their players, and you have a pissed off Vazaelle server."The legacy and heritage of EQ are not on some hardware that happened to have a name to make it easier to choose when logging in." -GM Brenlo, March 2005
Hardware. You’re impossible. Hey Alan, I’m changing your name to Rufus. You shouldn’t care because your legacy, your heritage, your memories, your pride… it’s all within your heart and soul and your name is just a way to categorize you from the other non-Rufuses in society. Do something Rufus, we’re pissed.
Originally posted by qxx • Mar 30, 2005 21:44