I will unlock my door and pass the cemetery gates…
Yo everyone. I’m gonna throw out the quick update, an abridged update if you will. We’re still laying the hurt on Warden Hanvar whenever he’s poppin’ and we’ve been hauling in new loots every time he’s droppin’. Such as:
Also, we are recruiting:
Updated Dec 13, 2004
More importantly, we must congratulate at Medaan “Doobee Doobee Dizzle” Songweaver for finishing the first ever Bard Epic 2.0: Blade of Vesagran
For those paying attention, you’ll notice a pattern that is forming here. For those not paying attention: Adult A.D.D. kills – remember that.
The Funny, The Funny, Th-Th-The Funny

The Deez-N-U-Teez Collection