Farewell, Mona Lisa

Yo everyone. I’ve been trying to think about what to put up here for a few days and, either because I don’t want to think of it or just can’t, I’m not sure what to say. So I figure, just treat it like a band aid and tear some shit off. Thinking has never been one of my favorite things to do and there is no reason to start now.
As of tonight, we’ve turned the page and finished another chapter in EverQuest history: Triality has decided to shut the doors that it has had open since October 2002 and put the brakes on raiding and recruiting. On behalf of those that put their love and time into this guild, I want to thank all the leaders, officers and members that made an amazing guild possible for the past 11 years. That is no small feat and without all of you, it could have never happened.
Triality was different than any other guild I’ve ever been a part of. Triality was all about doing things our way. Doesn’t matter what was the right way or what was the traditional way; we’re doing shit our way. For better or worse, that mentality persisted from Day 1 until this day, 11 years later, and allowed us to be the #1 EverQuest guild in the entire world for quite a while.
I consider myself lucky, really lucky, to have been a part of something like Triality. Outside of the game, friends would ask why I’d play the same game for 13 years. And I would explain it to them time and time again: it’s not just the game, it’s the people. And while they understood that concept they could never really understand that concept.
I’ve been a member of Triality for 1/3 of my life. When I joined Triality, I was a single dude in my early 20s and today I’m in my early 30s, married with a lower-case q on the way and a head full of memories which aren’t made by just a game but are made by some amazing people and experiences which transcend pixels and an internet connection.
So thanks. Thanks to all of my guild leaders, officers and members which let me and scores of others enjoy their time in EverQuest that much more because you all had the passion and drive for the people, the game and most importantly the guild. We all appreciate it more than me or anyone else could ever express in size 6 Arial font.
We’ll all find new guilds in EverQuest to enjoy the game for years to come and while it might never be like what we all got to experience in Triality, just remember: You feel that way because you were one of the lucky ones that got to experience what it meant to be a member of Triality. Don’t ever forget that shit.
– Quarken Xired
tl;dr Level 100 Warrior LFG